for social economy projects
IMPACT Program promotes six innovative social economy projects in Aragon in its first edition
The Government of Aragon launches a business acceleration program for social economy entities
The European Business and Innovation Center of Aragon, CEEIARAGON, launches the IMPACT Business Acceleration Program, which aims to select up to six business projects of innovative character and outstanding social impact and include them in a personalized and free business acceleration program according to their stage of business development.
The aim is to enable the beneficiary companies to strengthen and consolidate their business projects.
What does the program consist of?
IMPACT consists of the following itineraries, the result of CEEIARAGON's own methodology, which will be customized according to the needs of each business project:
Product Portfolio Analysis
Analysis of the Business Model
Determination of the most relevant social impact indicators
Networking actions. Visibility
Preparation of documentation and techniques to present the project to investors (Pitch)
Services offered
Program of "mentoring" to the selected projects by recognized professionals belonging to the social economy
Demoday with investors and funding entities. Project presentation event
The Department of Economy, Planning and Employment of the Government of Aragon will award a cash prize of 1.500 € to the best IMPACT project presented in this call.
Who is it aimed at?
Small and medium-sized companies with registered office and tax domicile in Aragon, of innovative character and with an outstanding social impact of its activity, and between six months and five years of life at the time of submitting their application (companies incorporated between 18/ 04/ 2022 and 18/ 10/ 2017). This time limit is not exclusive, although it is preferential.
Priority for participation in the Program will be given to those projects that, in compliance with the above, are projects with a social economy legal form, i.e. cooperatives, worker-owned companies, social insertion companies, special employment centers and foundations.
a) PHASE 1. Opening of the call for proposals and submission of documentation. From 18/10/2022 to 13/11/2022 at 12:00 noon. FINISHED.
b) PHASE 2. Analysis and evaluation of the applications, and selection of the same. From 14/11/2022 to 30/11/2022. FINISHED.
c) PHASE 3. Implementation of the business acceleration program. From 1/12/2022 to 30/04/2023. This phase includes a networking session among the selected projects. FINISHED.
d) PHASE 4. Proposal of "mentoring" to the selected projects by recognized professionals belonging to the Social Economy sector. From 1/05/2023 to 31/05/2023. FINISHED.
e) PHASE 5. Demoday. Presentation of results. Awarding of the prize of 1.500 € to the best IMPACT project presented in this call by the Department of Economy, Planning and Employment of the Government of Aragon. June 2023.FINISHED.
As stated in the Object of this initiative, business projects will be selected on the basis of their innovative nature and the impact of their activity on the solution or mitigation of social problems affecting the community.
Likewise, preference will be given to those business projects submitted that have been in existence for between six months and five years at the time of submitting their application (companies established between 18/04/2022 and 18/10/2017).
Preference will also be given to those projects that, in compliance with the above, are projects with a social economy legal form, i.e. cooperatives, worker-owned companies, social insertion companies, special employment centers and foundations.
More information: info@ceeiaragon.es / 976/ 73 35 00